Geocomposite Construction
Product Description
Our company is one of the leading geocomposite manufacturers and suppliers in China. We manufacture, design and supply the geocomposites products and their installation service as well.

geocomposite bentonitique

geocomposite drainage mat

geotextile composite material
Geocomposite Construction Introduction (cited from Wikipedia)
The basic philosophy behind geocomposite (construction) materials is to combine the best features of different materials in such a way that specific applications are addressed in the optimal manner and at minimum cost. Thus, the benefit/cost ratio is maximized. Such geocomposites will generally be geosynthetic materials, but not always. In some cases it may be more advantageous to use a nonsynthetic material with a geosynthetic one for optimum performance and/or least cost.
There are five basic functions that can be provided: separation, reinforcement, filtration, drainage, and containment.
Our company can produce the following 3 geocomposite construction materials and meanwhile we have channels to supply other forms of geocomposite construction materials. Moreover, we can supply geocomposite installation service separately or together with our materials supply.
Geocomposite clay liner
It is made by geosynthetic nonwoven geotextile, bentonite powder, woven geotextile. Bentonite is a clay with good expansion property and they will form an even self-sealing layer when meeting with water or great quantity of water moisture. Sometimes, to enhance the waterproofing ability of this bentonite blanket, a hdpe geomembrane sheet will be added to produce its another type of this product, called geomembrane clay liner (also called hdpe geosynthetic liner, geomembrane bentonite, gcl geomembrane, composite hdpe bentonite membrane). This geocomposite clay liner can be used in landfills, ponds, subgrades or artificial lakes or other places which needs erosion control or waterproofing function.
Geotextile waterproofing membrane
It is a geocomposite material made by geotextile and geomembrane. It has the primary function of containment (impermeability) of geomembrane and also owns the primary functions of separation, filtration, drainage, reinforcement of geotextile. This impermeable geotextile membrane maximums of the benefits of geotextile and HDPE membrane. It can be used in many engineering works such as reservoir and dam subgrades waterproofing, landfills containment, liquid ponds waterproofing, etc.

geocomposite blanket landfill

geocomposite drainage vertical

geotextile composite membrane
Geocomposites for drainage
When a nonwoven geotextile (usually is filament type) is used on one or both sides of a bi-planar or tri-planar geonet, the separation and filtration functions are always satisfied, but the drainage function is vastly improved in comparison to geotextiles by themselves. Such geocomposites for drainage are regularly used in intercepting and conveying leachate in landfill liner and cover systems and for conducting vapor or water beneath pond liners of various types. These geocomposite drainage nets also make excellent drains to intercept water in a capillary zone where frost heave or salt migration is a problem. In all cases, the liquid enters through the geo composite nonwoven geotextile and then travels horizontally within the geonet to a suitable exit.
Our Shanghai Yingfan Company has been involved in geosynthetics industry for more than 13 years. We have great experience and knowledge for many geosynthetics including such geocomposite construction materials. Except the geocomposite forms above, we also can supply and attend the design of other geocomposites required by our clients, for example, geotextile-geogrid geocomposite.